Trends in Video Advertising: What’s working in 2024


Short-form videos captivate by delivering impactful stories quickly, embodying the essence of effective communication. This blog post dives into creating memorable, personalized, and quality-rich content at GPP in 2024. We prioritize authenticity, explore new platforms, leverage data for creativity, and uphold ethics, inviting collaboration to craft engaging video magic. Short-form videos captivate by delivering impactful stories quickly, embodying the essence of effective communication. This blog post dives into creating memorable, personalised, and quality-rich content at GPP in 2024. We prioritise authenticity, explore new platforms, leverage data for creativity, and uphold ethics, inviting collaboration to craft engaging video magic.

Short-form videos captivate by delivering impactful stories quickly, embodying the essence of effective communication. This blog post dives into creating memorable, personalized, and quality-rich content at GPP in 2024. We prioritize authenticity, explore new platforms, leverage data for creativity, and uphold ethics, inviting collaboration to craft engaging video magic. Short-form videos captivate by delivering impactful stories quickly, embodying the essence of effective communication. This blog post dives into creating memorable, personalised, and quality-rich content at GPP in 2024. We prioritise authenticity, explore new platforms, leverage data for creativity, and uphold ethics, inviting collaboration to craft engaging video magic.

The Charm of Short-Form Videos

Short-form videos are still the kings of content. We're talking bite-sized videos that pack a punch. In our world, it's all about making these little gems as engaging and memorable as possible. They're like the espresso shots of the video world – small, but mighty!

Personalisation is the Game Changer

Personalisation is where we're playing our A-game. With the tools we have, we're making videos that speak directly to you, tapping into what you love, what makes you tick. It's like having a chat with a good mate who just gets you.

Quality over Quantity Every Time

We're sticklers for quality. Sure, we could churn out video after video, but where's the fun in that? We'd rather take our time to craft something that's not just good, but great. We're talking top-notch visuals, sound that pops, and content that's slicker than your average.

Keeping it Real

Sustainability and authenticity aren't just buzzwords for us; they're our guiding stars. We're in the business of telling stories that matter, stories that resonate. We're about creating content that doesn't just look good but feels good too, because it's made with integrity.

Exploring Different Platforms

We're not just hanging out on the big social platforms. We're out there exploring the nooks and crannies of the digital world, finding new spaces and faces. Each platform offers a unique flavour, and we're all about tasting the rainbow.

Data Driven, Creatively Inspired

Data might sound dry, but trust us, it's the secret sauce. It helps us figure out what works, what doesn't, and where we can sprinkle a little more creative magic. It's not just about numbers; it's about using those numbers to fuel our creative fire.

Ethical Practices Come First

Ethics are non-negotiable. We're playing in the digital sandbox, but we're playing fair. It's all about creating content that resonates, without stepping over the line. Trust and transparency are the names of the game.

So, there you go! That's the lowdown on what we're up to at GPP in 2024. We're all about creating video content that's engaging, authentic, and just a little bit different. If you're vibing with our style and want to chat about bringing some video magic to your brand, we're just a message away. Let's make something awesome together!